Women’s Ministry Director: Florenda Eudey
This is a ministry by women, for women. We plan and host both large & small group events with the intention
of promoting fellowship, fun & learning. Some of these activities include: Bible Studies, Sisters of Ruth, Joy Box Ministry & a Quilting Ministry.
Women’s Bible Studies
Generally, Women’s Bible Studies meet throughout the fall, winter and spring during 4 regularly
scheduled times every week. Please see the Women’s Ministry table in the foyer for current study titles,
signup sheets, book purchases and start dates, or call the church office for details (480-892-4711)
scheduled times every week. Please see the Women’s Ministry table in the foyer for current study titles,
signup sheets, book purchases and start dates, or call the church office for details (480-892-4711)
Wednesdays – Glenna Derbyshire – Bible study 10:30 am to 12:30 pm (off campus)
Thursday mornings – Edythe Nedd – Precept study 10 am to 12 pm | Florie Eudey – Bible study 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Thursday evenings – Glory Davy – Bible study 6:30 to 8 pm
Let the office or Bible study leader know if childcare is needed and it will be provided
Sisters of Ruth
Led by: Theresa Gile
Widowed and single women, getting together and having fun enjoying each other’s company. Contact the office to get more information on how you can join in on the fun and activities.
Joy Box Ministry
Led by: Ruth Swanson
If you know of someone (male or female) hurting, ill, or in hospital, let the office know
so we can reach out with compassion and an uplifting gift box full of blessings.
Quilting Ministry
Led by: Nedra Whitaker
Second and fourth Tuesdays and Wednesdays each month – 9am to 12:30/1:00pm
Our “Peace by Piece” quilters are quite a prolific group. They have made and given away well over 500
quilts and lap throws to dialysis centers, New Life Pregnancy Center, women’s shelters, and our own
members who were ill or had surgery. We have quilting kits ready to sew and provide all the supplies
including sewing machines (though most like to bring their own machines). Come and enjoy the fellowship
quilts and lap throws to dialysis centers, New Life Pregnancy Center, women’s shelters, and our own
members who were ill or had surgery. We have quilting kits ready to sew and provide all the supplies
including sewing machines (though most like to bring their own machines). Come and enjoy the fellowship
as we will teach, starting with very simple patterns. For those who do not like to sew, we can always use
someone to iron, cut pieces, make quilting kits, etc. We also have devotions on Wednesdays. There
are examples of the beautiful quilts, along with information cards and numbers to call, on the quilters
table in the foyer.
someone to iron, cut pieces, make quilting kits, etc. We also have devotions on Wednesdays. There
are examples of the beautiful quilts, along with information cards and numbers to call, on the quilters
table in the foyer.
Keep your eyes on our church bulletins as we are always praying for new ministries to begin and fun
events that may popup between these listed.
events that may popup between these listed.
Call church office for information 480-892-4711