Gateway Fellowship Student Ministries


Changing the lives of students and their families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Helping students encounter God in such a way they can honestly say Christ abides in their heart and is changing their life.
Creating a culture of discipleship that leads to worship and compels us to be on mission.

Our mission is to change the lives of students and their families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At Gateway Fellowship, we want students to encounter God in such a way they can honestly say Christ abides in their heart and is changing their life. Through sermons, Bible Studies, events, and discipleship groups, we seek to create a culture of discipleship that leads to worship and compels us to be on mission. We want graduates to come out of high school with a high expectation of biblical exposition and tremendous confidence in handling the Word of Truth. 


For more info, email


Weekly Meetings

Sunday School….8:45-9:45 am
Wednesday..………… 6-8 pm
Bible Quiz Team – Sunday……..1:45-3:45 pm